maandag 12 augustus 2013

busy live .... and Bacelona

Hy mina 
I had so a busy live ....
-_- but not really, this year I don't have work in the vacation so I'm the whole day at home doing .... almost nothing >->

But I have made some new fimo stuff 
I'm a Gazette-addict so I wanted to make something to make that clear XD 
So I made a Uruha guitar and a Reita bass!!!!! (I'm so happy with them!!)
Unfortunately the bass (white) is already broken :(:(:(:( 
I had them both made to a bracelet and the first day I whore it the bass broke, now I only have the string left of it :( 

But I'm going to make a new one !!!!

On the bracelet I also made a pokeball (love pokemon!!) and a Hyde halloween hat. The smallest was for my bracelet and the biggeste one is a made into a necklace!! (which I'm going to wear almost every day XD)

ooh over less then a month my friends and me are going to Barcelona!!! I'm really looking forward to it!! 
We have founded some places we want to visit, but if any of you have some suggestion of what we should visit, LET ME KNOW !! ^^

For today's song I have chosen Orenji no taiyou by Gackt and Hyde! 
This song is ... let's say the soundtrack of the movie 'MOON CHILD'
For the one how doesn't know this is a movie of Gackt, he made this movie 
And he played in it along with Hyde (Vamps / l'arc en ciel).  
I really love the movie because of vampire HYDE and also Gackt is very handsome in this movie. 
You really should watch the movie !! it's wonderful  But for now enjoy the song!  


zaterdag 3 augustus 2013

Liebster award!!!!

Thanks to Nyanette for this award!!!! (shining-dreamer)

La rules!: 
1. You must answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
2. You must then pick 11 blogs who have under 200 followers and think of 11 questions for those.
3. Finally, link back to the blog that nominated you.

La answers!
1. Who is your style icon/hero(if you have one)?
pff difficult question XD I have a lot of style hero's, just my favorite visual kei bands but most of all The Gazette! And if I had to pick 1 person it would be the style of Ruki, I love his clothes 

2. What are your 3 favorite things to do?
Volleyball, drawing, listening to music :)

3. Who would you play in the movie of your life?
The main character of course ^^

4. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, which one would you wear?
mm only 1 outfit....... probably something that is comfortable (a jogging $-$) and maybe a bit visual-kei. Oh no I know what i want, I really love the wear checked vests, I could wear that for the rest of my live :D 
5. What would be the theme song to your life?
Well..... just look at the lyrics ;)

6. If you could be any animal for the day, which one would it be?
my first thought says a dog because I love them but than ...... it would be cool to be a bird. Be able to fly. But than...... it would be also cool to be a lynx or a lion .... But in the end I'll stick to the dog. Whole day being lazy and getting food how good could it be ?

7. What is your favorite song by your favorite band?
ooh again difficult...
The gazette is my favorite band ...
but there favorite song .....
I love miseinen, filth in the beauty, best friends, anti pop, vortex, derangement, ibitsu,...... 

> just because it was my first Gazetto song !!

8. If you could have any superpower, which would you have and why?
Can I be a vampire ? ^,..,^ ( Me = vampire freak!!)

9. What is your favorite sandwich filling?
kip curry ! <3

10. What is your favorite fashion brand? 
I love sex pot revenge !!!!!! but I don't have any of it :( it's just to expensive  (╯︵╰,)

11.What is the worst film you've ever watched?
pff;;; I really wouldn't know.... 
But my mom always say the worst disney movie is 'fantasia' but I can't remember I because I was 4 or something when we watched it >-< (and never watched it again...)

La nominated 11 blogs:

My questions 
1. Which song could you listen forever? 
2. Have you ever been to a concert? (yes? which?)
3. What kind of computer/ laptop do you have? 
4. How did you started blogging? 
5. If you only could keep 1 object from you room which would it be? ( clothes doesn't count ^^)
6. What is your favorite (alcoholic) drink? 
7. Do know visual-kei? (Yes? do you like it and why?) 
8. What is your favorite clothing?
9. What is your biggest wish? 
10. Ever been to Belgium? (Yes? did you like it?)
11. Do you like cosplay? 

So that was it :) 
And as always a song for you ;D


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