vrijdag 28 juni 2013

Entrance exam part 3

 Yeah!!!!!! I passed my entrance exam!! 
Yesterday was THE DAY! I needed to be there at 9 o'clock. Starting with some general questions for 10 minutes and with a ateliertask. We needed to write our name in 5 different ways ( as illustrator, as graphic designer, as webdesigner, as reclame designer and as totaly you) and we needed to draw 11 logo's. After that there where interviews with the profs, to know why I want to do graphic design and to show them my homework ;) and my portfolio. 

In the afternoon we had a drawing exercise, just sketching a stil life. 
I was done half a hour before 3 and at 6 o'clock in the evening I got my result!!! I'm so happy that I passed 

Graphic Design! Here I come!!!! 

X Siata-chan 

dinsdag 25 juni 2013

Entrance exam part2

Hey minna!! 
Today I've worked very hard, my 5 drawings are ready!! And also my portfolio is almost ready! I'm so happy, only tomorrow to finish the hole thing but it's almost finished!!!!! And tomorrow I'll get my graduation!!!!!!! ( party!!) so good day tomorrow! 

Short post today ;) 
X Siata-chan 

maandag 24 juni 2013

Entrance exam

Pfff.... Hard work these 3 days 
I need to finish my work for the entrance exam of Graphic Design ( which is on thursday) 
I need to make something around a window so what to you think about it, how to you see it,.....? 

Today I have made the first stuff off it. My window on a canvas and the first drawing which presents dreaming 

Next days will follow other parts of it ;)
And maybe some photo's of mu portfolio ( still need to make that too -_-) 

X siata-chan

vrijdag 21 juni 2013


Yo people!!!!!

Finally I have vacation! Yesterday was my last exam and now it's waiting for the result.
Next thursday (if we're paased) we get are diplome ;)

I have started the vacation very good. My friend and me went for icecreme after the exams, went to the movie 'After World' which was a great movie !!!! And in the evening we had a party for the 2 last year of school so for the 3the grade. But It wasn't really fun :( to hot, not good music. We stood more outside and talked then we where inside ;)

Now I have to work for my entrance exam of graphic design ! I have less than a week to finish it and I also need the make activities for camp of youth movement (which is from 11 to 21 of July) so plenty of things to do ;)

And today I'm writhing this blog from my ipod since my mother is on the computer and I really wanted to tell you all about my last days ;)

X Siata!

zondag 9 juni 2013

Lindsey Stirling review

Hy everyone
So today I'll write a review of Lindsey Stirlings concert in Belgium on 30-05-2013

Me and my friend arrived in Brussels around 30 past 7. Luckily we were really fast inside so we had great places!!! At 20 p.m. EPPIC started with the openings act. Normally I don't like rap, but I must say EPPIC was great. He fired up the crowd withing a couple of minutes. EPPIC played for half an hour and than was 30 minutes of intense waiting. Standing on the 2nd  row you could feel the tension of waiting for Lindsey!

Finally the countdown started
There she was, Lindsey Stirling, we could believe our eyes, it felt so unreal.
Lindsey made spectacular opening with Anti Gravity.
She was wearing the beautiful white long jacket (or how do you call it?). I'm so jealous of the clothes -_-
She jumped to the front of the stage with the refrain and it felt like I all most could tough her ^^

The crowd was blown away by her great game covers from Zelda, Skyrim and movie cover of Lord of the rings. When Lindsey started to sing everyone went crazy. Lindsey sang so great !

Also her original music was great. Starting with electric daisy violin, we all got charmed by her being so amazing great on stage. I loved the part where Lindsey played Shadows. Lindsey danced along with the shadow on the screen which made it amazing. After a couple of song there was a movie part, we could see Lindsey in the backstage being all bossy to Drew and Gavi, Lindsey was really funny in that part. Back on stage she asked if we had seen something and of course the crowd yelled together NO!!!! which brought a lot of laughter :D During Elements Lindsey gave all her dancing skills to make the crowd proud. Lindsey also played transcendence and gave before starting the meaning of the song, just like with song of the caged bird. Which was inspired by Lindsey's favorite poem. I loved these moments, normally you never get to know the meaning of song so I was very happy she shared with us ;) There was little battle between Drew and Gavi, so Lindsey could dress in her awesome black golden costume. Putting on the hood and started playing Moon Trace. The stage and the crowd getting covered in smoke to create a creepy effect, was really cool. Lindsey surprised everyone when she played a new song. My Immortal of Evanescence (cover), it was so beautiful everyone was so quite. I almost got tears in my eyes, so beautiful was it!
The last song Lindsey played was Crystallize, everybody was really trilled. On stage it began to snow and we all know nooo! this is the last song. Ending with this amazing song. Thanking the crowd and Drew trowing the drumsticks, it really ended.

Lindsey was really sick the day of the concert but the crowd pulled her through the show. She toll me on instagram and during the show. But I think Lindsey didn't look sick on stage, she was always smiling and enjoying the show as much as we did!! She made a great show along with Drew and Gavi and I'm really looking forward the next time she is coming to Belgium!

 I took a lot of photo's and some videos with I uploaded on facebook (my photo's) , and I will upload on youtube (my youtube) so make sure to check them out !

Hope you liked the review :D and if you think something is missing, don't hesitated and comment ^^

instagram photo

P.S. I also bought the European tour T-shirt, which I really love <3 and Also a poster of Lindsey, my friend got herself a key chain.

Also make sure to check the photo's out of professional photographers and fans
photo 1
photo 2
photo 3

vrijdag 7 juni 2013


Yeah !!!!
Finally got my drivings license! Really handy now during my exams ;)

Got my first one today, math went really well. 
I was afraid for it, it was much and I was my first oral (like ever) 

But Yeah I have a good feeling with it :D

And when exams starts of course we get beautiful hot weather -_- like 27° 

Oh I want to write a review of Lindsey Stirlings concert in Belgium from last week 
But I have so less time, maybe I'll do it on Sunday ^^

Oh did I all ready mentioned I have made tumblr couple of days ago ^^
I still don't really know for what I'm going to use it >.< But I'll find out 
I have so many accounts (facebook, twitter (@siataXgazerock), instagram (siatacha), tumblr and blogspot) 
>-< Damn .....

Oh and every time I'm posting a blogmessage I'll put a songlink in it, a song I'm listening 
Today it's the new song of the Black veil brides Revelation ! 


X Siata-chan

woensdag 5 juni 2013

Fun at school

Yo people ! 

So yesterday was a great day at school. It was our last full day of lesson :D 
And so as the tradition says ..... we could dress up XD 
I was really fun being a pirate and with my friends: the smurf, piratewoman, dracula, .... 

In class we had really a food party, everyone brought some food so chips, nuts, cake,... 
During all lesson we had eaten something :D and even the teacher ate some 

Tomorrow I really need to study math because Friday I start with exams :( 
Wish me luck with it ^^ 

dinsdag 4 juni 2013

Start again? 18 B-day

Hy People, 
so I decided to start again with my blog 
Thanks to the presentation of Anne and Eline in school (there blog: http://elineanne.wordpress.com/

They had a work about blogging for seminar and I don't know why but I felt like ... Why had I stopped with this blog? It was fun to write stories, even though I didn't had much readers. 
But I did got some hints from there presentation ;) So going to use that XD 

Today I'm going to write about my 18 B-day which was on 20th of May so a time back ^^
I had a great party, a lot of friends where there
friends from school, from the youth movement KLJ, my family,....
The funniest part was playing beer pong with my BFF's and with the KLJ
We dronk maybe a bit so much But Hell Yeah for my 18 B-day that wasn't a problem :)

My friends of KLJ also had amused them self with decorate the garden ^^
torn newspapers, toilet paper, crowns,...
Oh yeah and I got a awesome guitar cake from my volleyball friend. She made it fully by her self ^^

But I really was worth if ;)
At least you don't get 2 18th B-days

I hope you all like that I will start again blogging and have a nice day ^^