dinsdag 4 juni 2013

Start again? 18 B-day

Hy People, 
so I decided to start again with my blog 
Thanks to the presentation of Anne and Eline in school (there blog: http://elineanne.wordpress.com/

They had a work about blogging for seminar and I don't know why but I felt like ... Why had I stopped with this blog? It was fun to write stories, even though I didn't had much readers. 
But I did got some hints from there presentation ;) So going to use that XD 

Today I'm going to write about my 18 B-day which was on 20th of May so a time back ^^
I had a great party, a lot of friends where there
friends from school, from the youth movement KLJ, my family,....
The funniest part was playing beer pong with my BFF's and with the KLJ
We dronk maybe a bit so much But Hell Yeah for my 18 B-day that wasn't a problem :)

My friends of KLJ also had amused them self with decorate the garden ^^
torn newspapers, toilet paper, crowns,...
Oh yeah and I got a awesome guitar cake from my volleyball friend. She made it fully by her self ^^

But I really was worth if ;)
At least you don't get 2 18th B-days

I hope you all like that I will start again blogging and have a nice day ^^

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