dinsdag 22 oktober 2013

School is busy

So I haven't been around for a long time -_-
But school is keeping me busy
I started a university this year, I'm studying Graphic design in Hasselt. 

I really like it !!!! only the theory is hard but luckily that is only in till Christmas after that we don't have theory. I must say even I only had 6 weeks of lesson I see myself changing. In the way I look at stuff the way I draw, I feel like improving a bit, good néé?

mindmap of Reita, schoolwork
Nowadays I kind off living on my own, I have a small student room where I stay during the week. So no parents around XD
I also working on my cosplay (finally!!!) I decided to do a Reita cosplay, form The Invisible Wall. And I so hope my wig will arrive in time. Cause  the first of november I need it for Japan Expo Belgium!!!! Can't wait!!!!

Also The Gazette beautiful deformity came out!!!!!! I'm so happy totaly love all the song can't wait to buy it, so tell me what do you think of it? 

Oh one last thing before ending I started a second blog, a photography-blog. I made it for school, so I'll post around 5 pic in a specific theme which was giving by the teacher. Check it out!!Sannefotogafie


Not Jrock this time, but it's a good song and also good to sing during a ride ;)

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